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PRIVATE PILOT license faa instrument rating faa COMMERCIAL PILOT license faa

If you want to start your training to obtain the FAA Private or Commercial Aircraft Pilot license, you must know in depth how the training processes should be done, so as not to make mistakes and so that the money you are going to invest, the time and the most important effort, are rewarded with a secure future job in professional aviation.

Don't do things lightly, take your time and thoroughly study all the information we provide you here.


PRIVATE pilot license faa

The PPL- PRIVATE PILOT LICENSE FAA license is the first step in the training of professional pilots. This license enables you to fly in command of private or private aircraft. The holder of this license CANNOT receive compensation for his work as a pilot, except in some cases specified by air regulations. This license is ideal for people who want to fly for pleasure or to travel in private, non-commercial aircraft.


Theory of Flight 
How and why does an Airplane fly?, its parts and Aerodynamics, Engines, Instruments, Regulations, Meteorology, Flight Planning, Navigation, Communications, etc. – 40 Hours (Personalized)
Single Engine Airplane Flight Simulator
In this state-of-the-art equipment you learn to fly the Airplane, with the total safety offered by this state-of-the-art equipment – ​​20 Hours 
Real Flight in a Single Engine Airplane
What you have learned in theory and the Simulator -50 Hours of Flight will be put into practice accompanied by a highly experienced instructor and hours of flying alone, a wonderful, unforgettable and rewarding experience.

At the end of the training you will be presented for evaluations and flight checks before the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION and you will obtain your Private Aircraft Pilot License
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Instrument flight training, IR-INSTRUMENT RATING, enables a Private Pilot to carry out flights in non-visual meteorological conditions, such as flights at night or in bad weather. By completing this training you will be able to fly 24 hours a day as long as the meteorological minimums are met.


Theory of Flight   
Advanced Air Navigation, Instrument Flight, Instrument Departure and Arrival Procedures, Instrument Approach, Communications, etc. 40 Hours (Personalized)
Single Engine Airplane Flight Simulator
In this state-of-the-art equipment you learn to fly the Airplane, with the total safety offered by this state-of-the-art equipment – ​​20 Hours 

Real Flight in a Single Engine Airplane
What you have learned in theory and the -100 Hours of Flight Simulator will be put into practice accompanied by a highly experienced instructor and hours of flying alone, a wonderful, unforgettable and rewarding experience. At the end of the training you will be presented for evaluations and flight checks before the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION and you will obtain your qualification to carry out instrument flight  IR - INSTRUMENT RATING.
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The CPL license - COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE FAA, is the license that enables you to fly in command of commercial aircraft, such as those used by airlines, charter flights, air ambulances, aerial fumigation, etc. The holder of this license CAN receive compensation for his work as a pilot. This license is ideal for people who want to work as Professional Aviators.


Theory of Flight   
Advanced Air Navigation, Instrument Flight, Instrument Departure and Arrival Procedures, Instrument Approach, Communications, Air Dispatch, Dangerous Goods, CRM, SMS, etc. 40 Hours (Custom)
Single Engine Airplane Flight Simulator

In this state-of-the-art equipment you learn to fly the Airplane, with the total safety offered by this state-of-the-art equipment – ​​20 Hours 
Real Flight in a Single Engine Airplane

What you have learned in theory and the -100 Hours of Flight Simulator will be put into practice accompanied by a highly experienced instructor and hours of flying alone, a wonderful, unforgettable and rewarding experience. At the end of the training you will be presented for evaluations and flight checks before the FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION and you will obtain your FAA Commercial Aircraft Pilot license. COMMERCIAL PILOT LICENSE FAA
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registration process

To register, you must send it to the email:

the following documents: ​

1. Identification document.

2. Valid official passport.

3. Bachelor's Diploma.

4. Certification or Copy of Medical Services Card or EPS.  


Once the documents have been sent, inform WhatsApp +1 3057609766, to start the registration process. A safety study will be carried out, ordered by the air transport safety department, and once this study is approved, the training contract will be sent via email for review and acceptance.  ​


Once the training contract has been accepted, we will contact you to coordinate the training schedule, which will be completely personalized and at a time that suits the student's needs, and the training will begin immediately.


Te ofrecemos sin compromiso nuestra asesoría, para que hagas un proceso de entrenamiento, ágil, a un precio justo y con altos estándares técnicos.

Ten en cuenta, que estudiar esta carrera, demandará una inversión bastante alta, en dinero, tiempo y lo más importante tu sueño de ser piloto de una aerolínea.

Analiza muy bien tus opciones antes de decidir donde y como hacer tu proceso de entrenamiento.

Agenda una entrevista virtual o presencial en nuestras instalaciones.


Calle 26 # 85 D 55 Interior 1

Para agendar tu cita escríbenos:

PBX: 601 5800 245

EEUU: +1 305 760 9766

COL: +57 314 215 7091 / +57 322 886 6570

Solitar devolución 
de llamada


12800 SW 145th Ave, Miami Executive Airport, FL, EEUU.

Phone & WhatsApp:   Miami  305 760 9766


© 2018 por  PAFS Desing 

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